Well here we are more than halfway through January and it's my first blog entry for AD 2009. It seems that the hurrier I go, the behindier I get. Oh well, here's what you've missed. I'm back in class for the Spring semester. On Monday nights I have a class whose title seems to be an oxymoron these days. The class is "Business Ethics" and I have to admit that it is a very thought provoking class. I worry, however, that we might be teaching young people a poor lesson if 'ethics' in business differ from the 'ethics' in life. There seems to me to be too much compartmentalization in life these days. If we're suggesting to these kids that ethics are different in business than everywhere else I think we're missing something (but that's just my humbe opinion). On Tuesday and Thursday nights I have German class. It's quite humbling to be in a class full of people who are just coming off of four years of High School German when my most common experience with it is being yelled at by the "Dutchmen" in our community. Thus far I'm enjoying it. We'll see how I feel by the end of the semester. My hope is to be able to get enough hours in to get my BA by December of 2010. Keep your fingers crossed!
Good news from the Princess. She has "graduated" from her regular doctors appointments and will only need to go back if she experiences problems. We're all very relieved about that. On the flip side, I went for my regular checkup at my eye surgeon last week only to find that the bleeding has started again. Therefore I'll be going to St. Vincents in Toledo on Wednesday to get it "sealed" again (for the third time). In case you're curious about how they're doing it this time, I found a pretty good explanation here:
I plan to be back to work and school on Thursday but I'll have to stay out of the sunlight for several days. To that end I guess I'm fortunate that it's January in Ohio. There's not much sun to stay out of right now. The other fortunate thing is that after Wednesday I'll pretty much have my insurance deductible taken care of for this year.
All of this "stuff" going on has me in a generally foul mood. I'm still very thankful for all of the great things that I have going on in my life, but I'm just disgusted (and tired out) by all of the 'crap' that life is throwing my way over the last year. This too shall pass. I just needed to vent a little. Well, I should get back to my homework.
Check back soon (and often)
Dave and (the ever patient Princess) Julie