This place brings back lots and lots of memories. We’re only a few spaces away from the campsite where I recall watching news footage of hurricane Camille (now I’m dating myself). It’s amazing the stuff you remember from your youth. We made a sightseeing trip to the Interlochen Center for the Arts and then had dinner at a Mongolian Grill. After dinner we shopped at the biggest darn Meijer superstore I’ve ever seen. I think I’ve been in auto assembly plants that were smaller than this building. We found everything that was on our list (which is unusual in itself). And have now returned to the camper for the evening.
Tomorrow is to be a day that includes touring a farm I read about in “County Living” magazine that I plan to get ideas from. I’m sure that we’ll also visit our share of vineyards and wineries (as is our custom). The Princess is always fun when she’s ‘pickled’ before lunch.
Well, I better start getting ready for tomorrow.
Check back soon (and often)
Dave and (the soon to be pickled Princess) Julie