Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Cure.

As obvious as it may seem, I’ve just realized that the cure for not getting something accomplished is JUST DOING IT! Hence, here I am back at the blog. Summer semester is over for me now so hopefully life will calm down to a ‘dull roar’ for a while (yeah right) so I can keep up with the blogging Joneses.

This season is doing well for the vineyard. Now if we can keep the ‘critters’ out of the fruit, we should have a decent harvest. We got the barn roof fixed last month (only two years overdue) so hopefully we’ve delayed some decay for a while. I still have potential plans for it so I don’t want it falling down around us. A pile of barn would only detract from the beauty of scenes like this.

I’m also happy to report that now a year post-op, the Princess is finally getting ahead of everything and says she is starting to feel like ‘her old self’ again. She still has a few kinks to work out, but I think she’s well on her way to wholeness. She even reports losing weight. That is an accomplishment to be applauded! I seem to be stuck at between 20 and 25 pounds lost.
I’d like to wax philosophic, but I’m to ‘burnt out’ right at the moment so I’ll sign off until a time hopefully in the near future.

Check back soon (and often),
Dave and (the slowly healing and shrinking Princess) Julie