Monday, July 14, 2008

Time flies when you’re having fun

Here it is Sunday and I have an entire weekend to recount.

Well the Princess seems eager to regain her total independence. She thought Saturday would be a good day to pretend like she was back to her pre-op self. First (unbeknownst to me) she thought she’d do some housework while I was out mowing. About the time I was finishing up on the mower she left (her first time driving since the surgery) to go to Sam’s Club to “pick up a few things”. Well, she wasn’t able to find everything she wanted there (although she did manage to pick up MANY things she didn’t know she was looking for) so she thought she’d try K-mart. Finding nothing there she continued her excursion with a stop at Wal-Mart. Needless to say she had a REALLY rough night last night and stayed in bed this morning (not that I’m complaining). We spent the day like pagans and didn’t make it to church. That rarely happens. When we finally got up we had a DELICIOUS breakfast of Bacon –n- Egg Pizza ( We spent the afternoon outside doing light yard work, playing with the ‘critters’ and picking berries. My mom joined us for dinner and provided country sausage links for us to grill as well as a fantastic Cherry Cordial Cheesecake. Now it’s evening and our focus turns to preparing to return to the stress-fest we know as our day jobs.

I’d like to make an observation. A stressed life DOES NOT equal a ‘deliberate’ life.

Check back soon (and often)

Dave and (the suffering at her own hand Princess) Julie

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