This past weekend was a very full and productive one for Andrew and me. We installed a new hose bibb out front so the Princess won’t have to drag a hose all the way around the house to water the flowers out front. We also got the ‘mini-dozer’ out of the barn and running so it could pull the sprayer trailer. And on that note we also built a frame to support the sprayer in the trailer so we won’t have to wrestle with cinderblocks every time we want to set up to spray. During one of our construction breaks we sat on the porch and watched the hummingbirds around the feeders. We counted six hummers at one time around the feeders. I believe I saw seven at once on Sunday. In the past we’ve never seen more than three at a time. It’s great to watch them flutter about.
Unfortunately the Princess was not able to accomplish as much. She and Andrew ‘cleaned up’ the raspberry patch on Saturday and that sapped most of her strength. I made her take it easy on Sunday and she actually took a nap (something she NEVER does). She heard back from the doctors office today. While her ‘culture’ did not yield an identifiable individual source of infection, it did show that she DOES have an infection (of some type). So she’s started on yet another round of general antibiotic drugs. I really feel for her. I know how bad she must feel and I know that it really tears her up that she doesn’t have the energy to do all she typically does.
Saturday night Randy and I played a gig at east harbor State Park Marina. It was fun (as always when Randy and I get together to make music), but it wasn’t the same without the Princess.
All this running around hasn’t allowed for a whole lot of study and reflection time but I do have a few ideas bouncing around in my head that I’ll elaborate on as soon as it’s ‘condensed’ enough.
Check back soon (and often)
Dave and (the continually infected Princess) Julie
Hello world!
1 month ago
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