I’ve been spending some quiet time alone in the house tonight. The Princess is out with two of her friends enjoying some ‘girl time’. As I’ve been pondering the more weighty issues in life (or wallowing in self pity, whichever is a more appropriate label) I’ve come to realize one of the big things that’s been bothering me. I’m STUCK! I’m in an in-between place and it’s really uncomfortable. I don’t know how things are going to turn out. Is the Princess going to be all right after THIS surgery (tomorrow)? Am I going to end up blind? If so, how soon? Am I ever going to be able to go back to school? What am I going to do/be when (if) I grow up? Will there ever be peace in the Middle East (ok, I’m not AS concerned about that but you get the idea)? And I strikes me that I’ll be “OK” with however any of those particular items turns out, but I really don’t like not knowing. I guess a time machine would come in handy right about now.
But then again, maybe I wouldn’t like what I saw when I climbed out of the capsule of my time machine. Several yeas ago a group of guys I worked with were discussing what we’d do if we could go back to being 18 and knowing what we know now. I said (only about half jokingly) that if I were 18 and knew what the immediate future held, I’d just shoot myself and get it over with. I guess maybe we can’t see the future for a good reason. Maybe time marching relentlessly along is a good thing. Maybe the steady, measured pace protects us from “event overload”. Maybe it’s time I got back to my idea of the ‘deliberate’ life and started living in the now, rather than wasting time attempting to deal with the future.
Expect full reports on the Princess condition and progress as tomorrow unfolds.
Check back soon (and often)
Dave and (the soon to be punctured Princess) Julie
Hello world!
1 month ago
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