The title has no real significance to today's blog. I just wanted to say something silly that might catch someone's attention who might otherwisw overlook it. I should be reading for class, but I thought I'd procrastinate by blogging. Today was a very trying day at work. I managed to get "chewed out" by two different doctors in two different practices. Neither of them were really nasty, but they are both mature gentlemen who really know how to make you feel seven years old and caught with hand in cookie jar. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. At least the weather here was beautiful today. This evening I put a leash on Morgan and she took me for a drag around the perimeter of the property. I wonder who is training whom. After the "walk" Morgan, Eli and I played fetch. I suspect we'll be doing a lot of that as the weather continues to get nicer. It was a real treat to sit out on the patio and listen to BIRDS! I actually heard some robins along with finches and sparrows. They are true harbingers of Spring. This past Winter was particularly long and brutal in a lot of ways. I'm glad it's just about over. Well, I think I'll head in to do some reading. Just so we all remember why we're so happy Spring is coming, I'll provide a reminder:

Check back soon (and often)
Dave (and the MIA Princess) Julie
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