One week ago today I graduated from the University of Findlay. If you were a fan of the TV show "The Wonder Years" then you remember the character Kevin's observation on life "Life never goes quite the way you have it planned". Once again, I'm living proof of that. This degree is, and has always been, considered a waypoint on the educational portion of my journey through life. Unfortunately, having reached that waypoint I find that I'm "out of fuel" (that being money) to continue my educational journey for the time being.
So I find myself with a decision to make. What should I do with my life while I wait to assemble the financial resources to continue on to graduate school? Borrowing an idea from the folks in Real Estate, I'm looking for the "highest and best use" of my time and my life. I have a few ideas I'd like to share (and have your comments on)
1. Take better care of this body I've been loaned. - In the course of only taking two semesters off over the the last five years, I've really let my health go. I spent too much time living on fast food, heavy metal 'motivational' music, and MASSIVE amounts of caffeine.
2. Get my financial house in order. - Like my physical health, while I was running 'helter skelter' through classes (and the rest of life) I only payed the absolute minimum of attention to finances, reducing debt, budgeting, planning, saving, etc. In short, I created a mess. Now I need to clean it up.
3. Spend appropriate time on the vineyard and developing landscaping here on the farm. - I can't thank my mom and dad enough for the hours they've spent in the vineyard while I was reading, writing, researching, or just collapsed in exhaustion.
4. Practice what I preach!
Early in my blogging history I said I wanted to focus on living a 'balanced' life. What I have done over the past few years is the absolute OPPOSITE of that. I need to bring my focus back to my Family, my Faith, and my Friends.
And I have to thank The Princess beyond all. A lesser woman would have 'bailed out' to save herself. The Princess has been my biggest supporter, cheerleader and 'cattle prodder' when necessary. I can't thank her enough.
One of my goals in regaining balance is to blog more often. I hope you'll all continue to stick with me through "Mi Vida Loca".
Check back soon (and often),
Dave and (The Perpetually Patient Princess) Julie
Firstly....take time and be completely selfish. Your physical health will allow you the ability to focus on the other needs.
Secondly....focus on The Princess. A cheerleader, cattle prodder takes alot out of someone. I know because I have the male version in my home and he is only two semesters into my endeavor. Give her the ultimate gift...YOU and your physical health.
Let the rest fall into place. We always want things in OUR time and it really needs to be in GOD'S time. God will provide the finances, and ultimately see us through all of it.
Everyone is so proud of you...(((HUGS)))
First of all, BIG congrats on your graduation! What an accomplishment!
It's important to focus on what you really want and it's easy to get caught up in what you think you want vis a vis what you think others expect.
I can tell you right now that body chaos and financial chaos go hand-in-hand. Try not to think about the shoulds because they will only bring shame and guilt. Acceptance of what is right now will help. You have everything you need, right inside yourself.
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