This is the first of the "Julie Reports". I am happy to announce that according to her doctor, Julie's surgery went well. She went in around 7:30 and finished up a little after 11. Apparently the doctor had to work a little harder than anticipated. We're currently waiting in her room (4172), for her to come back up. If therer are no unanticipated complications, Julie may get to come home as ealy as tomorrow morning. I will send more reports as more details become available. Thanks for your prayers.
Mon, 30 Jun 2008 12:48 pm
Julie is now back in her room and sleeping peacefully. She came back up around 12:15 local time. She developed a little nausea in the recovery room and they kept her until that was under control. The doctor is pleased that Julie did not have the abdominal adhesions that were feared and the first portion of the surgery was done without a major abdominal incision (thereby shortening recovery time). I expect that she will sleep until around dinnertime tonite. At this point she is a 'model patient'. Now, let's just hope she stays that way. I hope you all help me in convincing her that her ONLY job right now is to heal, and that means rest and take it easy. Please feel free to pass this report along to any who may need to know.We can't thank all of you enough for your thoughts and prayers.Dave (and a sleeping Julie)
Mon, 30 Jun 2008 3:56 pm
THE PRINCESS HAS AWAKENED!! Julie (sort of) woke up a little after 3pm for the first time. She had some ice chips and asked some questions. She also said she wanted to roll over because she was stiff. When the nurses came to roll her over she tried to help. "OUCH!". That was a big mistake. The nurse then gave her more pain medicine so she's sleepy again, but she was able to roll onto her side and flex her knees. That's much better according to her. Now she says she's hungry. I guess I'll have to start cooking when she wakes up again (probably in another 3 hours). Her vitals still look really good so we're keeping our fingers crossed for an early release.Thus far the nurses here have been GREAT!Thanks to Gene and Bonnie for staying here until Julie was 'settled' in her bed. And thanks to my mom for locking her keys in her car (ask her about it). The old saying is true "No good deed goes unpunished".That's all for now. I'll report more information as it becomes available.Dave and (an ouchy, sleepy, hungry) Julie
Mon, 30 Jun 2008 6:39 pm
Dinner was a smashing success. The Princess enjoyed beef broth, orange jello and cranberry juice. She says it was delicious and is now snoozing again. She also claims to feel pretty good, all things considered. She should be sitting on the edge of the bed and dangling her feet before the evening is over. Julie learned an important lesson today too. When your pain med's make your BP drop to 82/51 you get kind of 'light headed'. I asked her how she knew the difference. She responded with a very weak "Poop on you". I've been passing along your well wishes as she is coherent enough to appreciate them.Please keep Julie in your prayers (if we go home tomorrow she will have to endure ME as her nurse). Dave (and the recovering Princess) Julie
The Julie Report - Day 2
Tue, 1 Jul 2008 7:39 am
Well, we survived the night.Julie is now on to "real" food. She's now on to pain pills instead of in the IV. She's also ordered breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast and is really looking forward to it. The amazing Dr. Doty-Armstrong was in this morning to admire her handiwork. She says all looks good to go. Throughout the course of the day the nursing staff will be disconnecting Julie from all of her 'lanyards' and getting her up and moving. Once she can get herself around (with help) she can go home. It probably won't be until around dinnertime though. Time will tell. I'll continue to provide updates throughout the day to keep you all apprised of the situation.Dave and (the ouchy Princess) Julie
Tue, 1 Jul 2008 9:41 amSubject: The Julie Report - Day 2
SHE'S FREE, SHE'S FREE!!!!!The Princess is not free of all her 'rigging' and able to move about. I've helped her out of bed and she is now sitting in the chair beside the bed (where I spent the night). The Percocet seems to be taking care of the pain (imagine that) and Julie says her pain is no more than a "3" sitting in the chair. We anticipate going home around 5 today. I'm probably more scared than she is. At that point I become nurse, chef, cook and chauffeur. Eeeeeeeek. I hope I'm up to it.Well back to tending the Princess. More to come..........Dave and (the Free Princess) Julie
Tue, 1 Jul 2008 11:54 amSubject: The Julie Report - Day 2
Great things are happening.I'm very proud of Julie. I just helped her into the bathroom so she could go potty like a big girl (now I've got to find some M&Ms for her). I was also encouraged by her report that while I was across the hall getting ice she had a toot. I would seem that everything is returning to normal. All we have left to be concerned about now is a big #2. She is choosing her food very carefully in 'preparation' for this major moving event. Salad, applesauce and a chicken breast just delivered for lunch.A trip home this afternoon now seems inevitable. Please feel free to drop the Princess an email with your well wishes. She's been checking it here and will continue to when she gets home.Thank you for your support,Dave and (the internally resurrecting Princess) Julie
Tue, 1 Jul 2008 5:11 pmSubject: Re: The Julie Report - Day 2
The Princess is home!We got home around 4:30 and I promptly bedded her down with lots and lots of pillows. All of the 'kids' here were really happy to see 'mom' return. Her pain pills will be a necessity for the near term. She seems to believe that even though they took her to suite 3 for her surgery, she is CERTAIN that her left leg was stretched into the next room. Ouch. But even with that, things are starting to return to normal. Hopefully the next few days will be peaceful, restful days for the Princess. I will continue to send updates (but less frequently) as to how Julie is healing and dealing with her less than competent caretaker.Thanks to all who have offered or provided help of ANY kind. You are appreciated more than you know.Dave and (the stiff and sore Princess) Julie
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 10:47 amSubject: The Julie Report - Day 3
The blessed event has occurred.The Princess has informed me that she had a very "moving" experience in the bathroom this morning. That's one more 'biggie' out of the way. She is now sitting on the couch reading a new book by her favorite author (Janet Evonavich). Things seem to be healing well and she is already down to needing only one pain pill instead of two. She actually wanted to get up and have breakfast (oatmeal w/crasins) at the table this morning.Anyway, thanks to everyone for their well wishes and calls and prayers and offerings.Dave and (the moving forward Princess) Julie
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 8:00 pmSubject: Re: The Julie Report - Day 3
The recovery continues.The Princess has now survived a full day and three meals at home at the hands of her bumbling husband. She requested scrambled eggs for dinner. I can say that my attempt could be termed "The stuff prison riots are made of", but we ate it anyway. Julie responded by taking two pain pills and is now sleeping it off with her heating pad. Now if only that were an option for me.........Her dad and mom stopped by this afternoon to bring out a prescription that the pharmacy had to special order and brought homemade cherry pie and ice cream. Fantastic! Thanks to the Gateway Worship Team for the very nice floral arrangement that was delivered this afternoon and more importantly to everyone for their continued prayers. I truly believe it is helping speed her recovery.We are hopeful that tomorrow will hold a walk to the great outdoors (or at least out onto the porch). I will include a full report here.Dave and (the amazing recovering Princess) Julie
Thu, 3 Jul 2008 10:35 amSubject: The Julie Report - Day 4
The saga continues.The Princess had a fairly decent night. Although she has started to experience a touch of the insomnia they told her to expect. I suspect she will deal with it in short order (or I will get her a night job for the extra money). She went back to two pain pills at a time last night. She's also having strange dreams thanks to them. Ask her about her 'pimped out' Crown Victoria limo and the hookers she helped escape in it (I GOTTA get me some of those pills). Breakfast this morning was a far cry from dinner last night. The Princess enjoyed mini-cheddar-smoky links, oatmeal w/crasins and cranberry juice. It was a culinary delight. After breakfast (and all of her pills) she got a little woozy and laid down on the couch for a little snooze. She's now up & about with her contacts in her eyes for the first time this week. I know things are returning to normal because as I type this she's sitting on the couch (in MY spot) working on some needlepoint.The plan as of now is for Julie to stay at her mom and dads for a little while this afternoon while her bumbling caretaker (the one who tried to feed her pain meds to the cats) goes grocery shopping. It will be her first excursion out. Expect a full report this evening.Dave and (the recently patched Princess) Julie
Thu, 3 Jul 2008 9:44 pmSubject: The Julie Report - Day 4
Improvement continuesToday was a good day for the Princess. She made her first road trip since her surgery. She went to her dad and moms while her bumbling caretaker went to the grocery store. And I can honestly say that after spending that 'quality time' at Wal-Mart, I was the one who needed sedation. The blind man in Wal-Mart is an adventure all it's own. Screaming kids, ugly people and strange items on the list were almost more than I could take! I have to confess, it was my first solo trip since the loss of vision in one eye. WOW it is a whole different trip. Little kids, strange people. Not to mention having to really look at every item on the shelf, just to find the one thing that I wanted. The items are not where they use to be. It should have taken me 1/2 an hour. It took 2 HOURS. I HATE TO SHOP! Well I think you get the idea.We were graced with a visit by Randy and Diana They stopped by for a little while this evening. And we are very fortunate that they brought FOOD! I'm already salivating at the thought of the casserole in the morning. It was very nice and meant a lot to the Princess to have thoughtful people all around her. From her parents "Princess Sitting" to my father offering her jobs (on behalf of the firemen), she feels blessed to have all of you thinking of her, laughing with her, she is grateful for all of you. As for me, the bumbling caretaker, I am also grateful for the feed back letting me know that I am doing it right. Well the Princess is tucked into bed with her snack of gourmet orange jello (with cool whip) and hopefully will have a restful night. I know that I need it. I will never take her weekly shopping trips for granted again. She is so much better at dealing with Wal-Mart than I will ever be! Well, we're signing off for the night. I'll send more updates tomorrow.Dave and (the increasingly mobile Princess) Julie
Fri, 4 Jul 2008 9:32 amSubject: The Julie Report - Day 5
Greetings from the PrincessWell, I have decided to do my own update today, Poor Dave has just exhausted himself taking care of me. Between all the cooking, dishwasting, laundry and babysitting, I think he is ready for the nap! Seriously. Dave has taken such good care of me, that I am ready to play outside today. Gonna try to take a book outside and get some much needed sunshine and time with the dog. We missed the Arlington Fireworks last night and I was a little sad, but there will be more displays tonight. Depends on how tired the slave is, we may go tonight. All kidding aside, I really am doing well, I still have pain, but have cut back on the pain pills. I hope to just take them a few times today. and get back to doing some things on my own. Well, time to go outside now. My chair and cushion awaits!Thanks again to Randy and Diana for the breakfast casserole. It took a huge burden off of the cook.Julie and (the imaginarily overworked caretaker) Dave
I know, I know. How DARE we go almost 36 hours wihout an update.Well, the truth is that we've been too active to sit down at a computer to draft one up. Following breakfast this morning (more of Diana's delicious breakfast casserole) I went out to start the mowing. Andrew came out a little later to help. After a quick lunch break (grilled hot dogs at the Princess' request) we got back to our chores. we finished a little after 3. While we were working, Miriam (and the Princess) made a margarita cake and watched a movie. Kevin and Jenn Snyder brought pizza (and brownies) over for dinner. We dined on the patio. It was very niceThe Princess continues to improve and in spite of having a rough night last night,, had a good day today. She continues to get more 'spring in her step' and 'fire in her eyes' almost hourly now. My primary duty seems to have shifted from doing things for her to keeping her from doing too many things herself. She's trying to be a good patient, but as we all know, that is not her nature. Her turn!OK,OK, so I try to do a few things on my own. In my defense I have not been use to having everything done for me. I have always been a care giver, not use to being on the receiving end. A girl can only take so much! I did relax in the lawn chair today. Actually got a sun burn on my legs. Have finished my book. I didn't even take a nap! As I continue to feel better every day. I will have to try to not do too much. I have been reading about what happens to women who start to feel good and forget their limitations. Lets just say, I don't want to do that, but I understand how it happens. I know that Dave will keep me on a short leash!.. It has been a relaxing week, but soon to come to an end. I plan on returning to work on Monday and see how it goes. I still tire quickly, but I think I will do OK. I will let you know! Dave is now snoring beside me, I guess this care giving stuff wears a person out! Think I will turn out the light and join himThe (getting good as new) Princess and her Sleeping Prince Dave