Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday Monday

Not one wanting to be bored, the Princess decided that her recovery was going along too smoothly and that an infection was in order (just to keep things interesting). A quick visit to the doctor (or Nurse Practitioner in this case) yielded a prescription for antibiotics which should kick the infection in short order. According to the health care professionals this type of infection is fairly common after surgery and at this point is nothing to be overly concerned about. So the Princess has yet another pill to take in the morning and evening for a while (as if she didn’t already sound like a maraca after her pills). The Princess is also pleased that she was able to drive herself to work today (and to the tire shop for a repair) for the first time since her surgery. I guess that means that I get to relinquish my role as chauffer now. I can probably do the same for the ‘chief cook’ role since she made dinner (delicious chicken enchiladas). So I guess life is getting that much closer to normal.

After my ‘day job’ I stopped off at a ‘night job’ client site to generate a little “billable time” before I went to the Garden Store to get some insecticide for the grapes in the vineyard (and on the pergola). The Japanese beetles are TERRIBLE this year. I hope to be able to spray after work tomorrow night. It’s too late to spray the raspberries, but I hope to be able to ‘save’ the grapes. Miriam should be back from her mission trip tomorrow or Wednesday. She called home and spoke to Julie briefly the other day. She says she’s having a great and Spirit filled time. I hope this trip continues to minister to her as well as the people she went to serve.

Mission trips and things like that are great examples of what I’ve been calling the ‘deliberate’ life. I’ve talked about the ‘deliberate’ life requiring thought. That is very true, but for a life to BE deliberate also requires action which is the result of thought. That’s where I’ve been ‘falling down’ lately. No matter how hard I ‘think’ something, it still requires me getting off my big fat backside and ‘doing’ something (I’m really having a tough time with being a mere mortal). A ‘deliberate’ life requires thought and action. And probably the MOST important element (and therefore the most difficult) is the connection between the two. I plan to focus on that aspect of it for a while. This upcoming weekend I have some extensive traveling to do and I plan to take the audiobook “Man’s Search For Meaning” by Viktor Frankl to keep me occupied on the trip. I’ll let you know what new thoughts spring out of this.

Check back soon (and often)

Dave and (the infected Princess) Julie

P.S. since I don’t have a recent picture of the grapes, here is a part of the raspberry crop from this year.

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